I-77 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes
Owner / Client
NCDOT / Sugar Creek Construction
December 2020
Environmental Consulting
Hazardous Materials Manager
Key Personnel
Greg Hans, PMP
Chuck Heleine, PE, REPA
Judy Heleine, REM
NCDOT / Sugar Creek Construction
December 2020
Environmental Consulting
Hazardous Materials Manager
Key Personnel
Greg Hans, PMP
Chuck Heleine, PE, REPA
Judy Heleine, REM
Under contract to the design-build contractor, Sugar Creek Construction, LLC, for NCDOT TIPs I-3311C, I-5405, and I-4750 AA, CES was the designated Hazardous Materials Manager for this 26-mile interstate highway widening project throughout the project’s more than five year duration. CES environmental staff provided comprehensive environmental consulting services, including the completion of environmental site assessments by reviewing selected parcels of land for known or potential environmental conditions prior to land acquisition by the design-build contractor, documenting the pre-construction condition of storm drain outfalls and inlets, ditches, streams, wetlands, vegetation and any notable environmental features, the development of an Environmental Management Plan, conducting site compliance inspections on bridges and fuel ASTs, overseeing emergency response actions, overseeing Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and Lead Containing Paint (LCP) surveys, designs and abatements on 15 bridges, three retaining walls, and three residential sheds, reviewing SPCC, Concrete Waste Management and Hazardous Waste Compliance Plans, evaluating erosion and sediment control measurements, performing and managing migratory bird assessments and surveys and water quality site compliance inspections with conjunction with subconsultant(s), monitoring concrete and hazardous waste streams, coordinating with design build contractors, subconsultants and state agencies, and maintaining records and documents in accordance with the projects Hazardous Materials Management Plan.