Buried Drum Removal & Remediation
Regional Construction Company
Environmental Consulting
Hazardous Waste Site Remediation
Key Personnel
Greg Hans, PMP
Chuck Heleine, PE, REPA
Judy Heleine, REM
Regional Construction Company
Environmental Consulting
Hazardous Waste Site Remediation
Key Personnel
Greg Hans, PMP
Chuck Heleine, PE, REPA
Judy Heleine, REM
CES Group completed soil and groundwater remediation at a construction facility site where many drums of hazardous and non-hazardous waste had previously been buried. The work was completed in response to a Notice of Violation issued against the owner of the construction company by the Environmental Protection Agency. The buried waste consisted of waterproofing sealants, used oil, mineral spirits and used tires.
CES Group provided oversight for the excavation and landfill disposal of the buried materials/waste, non-hazardous and hazardous waste stream permitting, and liaison with EPA and client’s legal counsel representatives. Soil and groundwater investigation activities completed by CES Group pursuant to the soils excavation/disposal activities included the completion of eighteen (18) soil borings and twelve (12) monitoring wells to delineate the extent of volatiles, semi-volatiles and heavy metal contamination over a 2-year time period.
A final Closure Plan was submitted to the EPA’s Permit Section, and the client settled its outstanding legal issues associated with the Violation Notice, allowing closeout by the EPA. During completion of this project, CES Group provided ongoing representation to the owner with the EPA, owner’s legal counsel, the Attorney General’s office, the Municipality, and the general public.